The History of Efata SDA Church is started by a group known as Ebenheizer Bible Study Group under coordination ofDenpasar SDA Church. All activities of the Bible Study Group are carried out from house to house of members for year 2007 which was attended by about 20 people which is coordinated of Milton Simatupang, S.Th. Through Christ’s leading, in early 2008 Ebenheizer Bible Study Group was inaugurated as a Branch Sabbath School Sesetan consisting of approximately 25 people, coordinated by Fernando Manurung, S.Th.
Along with the spiritual growth of the members,then on June 26th, 2010 The Sesetan Branch Sabbath School was officially organized with 30 people led by pastor SosorManik, S.Th and coordinatedbyPancaRuryKarsum, S.Th.
Along this period, this church has served and led by pastorAbriSantoso, S.Th and coordinated by Pastor Fernando Manurung, S.Th. Then Led by Pastor SosorManik and coordinated by PancaRuryKarsum, S.Th, led by Pastor Budi Solichin, S.Th and coordinated by Rafael Polimpung, S.Th. Nowdays, is led and coordinated by Pastor RoedolophTambunan, S.Th and has 60 memberships.
This time, we yearn to have adequate place of worship, therefore the church committee and church building project committee decided to build a one-floor church by renting the land for 20 years.